Epsgram - up to 8 days
The products are regularly updated two times per day (08:15 UTC – run from 00:00 UTC and 20:15 UTC – run from 12:00 UTC).
Epsgram na 3 dni (model A-LAEF)
Meteogram na 3 dni (model ALADIN)
Meteogram na 10 dní (model ECMWF)
Epsgram na 8 dní (model ECMWF)
Epsgram is meteogram which is actually composed from several consecutive deterministic ECMWF model forecasts. Each forecast starts at a different time, but the duration is identical predictions. Based on this there is created 8-days forecast, which coincides up to 5 different integration models (the ensemble). By scattering of these predictions the probability of realizing the development of weather is predicted. Greater dispersion means greater uncertainty. There is average value displayed on the charts and also the most recent integration of the ALADIN model (see legend).
Teplota v 2 metroch nad povrchom [st.C] Temperature at 2 meters above ground [deg.C] Celkova oblacnost [%] Total cloudiness [%] Pravdepodobnost zrazok: 0.1 (modra), 1 (zelena), 3 (zlta), 5 (cervena) mm/h [%] Precipitation probability: 0.1 (blue), 1 (green), 3 (yellow), 5 (red) mm/h [%] Tlak redukovany na hladinu mora [hPa] Mean sea level pressure [hPa] Rychlost a narazy vetra (stlpce) v 10 metroch nad povrchom [m/s] Wind speed and wind gusts (bars) at 10 meters above ground [m/s] Smer vetra v 10 metroch nad povrchom [svetove strany] Wind direction at 10 meters above ground [cardinal points] - posledny beh - priemer ansamblu - ansambel - nekompletny ansambel - last run - ensemble mean -ensemble - incomplete ensembleLegend of warnings:
level 1
level 2
level 3