Hydrological Standardization Center


Hydrological Standardization Center at SHMÚ provides in the field of activity of the Ministry of Environment the technical - standardization activities related to the preparation, production and use of branch standards (OTN ŽP), national standards (STN), European standards (EN) and international (ISO) technical standards in the area of measurement, processing and evaluation of hydrological features and the phenomena of surface waters and groundwaters.

The main activities are as follows:

  • preparing and designing of programs and concepts of technical standardization in hydrology,
  • providing and coordinating of the preparation, production and use of technical standards and standardization documents,
  • providing comments and advice on draft technical standards, methodical regulations and standardization documents,
  • providing the operation of the national Technical Commission TK 64 - Hydrology and meteorology,
  • providing the technical cooperation with the European Standardization Commission, CEN / TC 318 - Hydrometry and related national technical committees and standards centers,
  • providing technical - standardization cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of Slovak Republic, SÚTN (Slovak Institute for Technical Standardization), scientific - research and professional organizations, universities, interest groups, entrepreneurs and professional public,
  • collection, archiving and provision of technical standards and standardization documents,
  • providing information and advisory activities and monitoring of the development of technical standardization in Slovakia and abroad.


Ing. Josef Turbek

Head of the Center


Ing. Josef Turbek
head of the center

and chairman of TK 64 - Hydrology and meteorology
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Jeséniova 17
833 15 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 2 59415 285
Fax: +421 2 59415 393
E-mail: jozef.turbek@shmu.sk

Ing. Lotta Blaškovičová
providing cooperation with CEN / TC - 318 Hydrometry
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Jeséniova 17
833 15 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 2 59415 274
Fax: +421 2 59415 393
E-mail: lotta.blaskovicova@shmu.sk

Ivana Pospíšilová
Library of hydrological standards
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Jeséniova 17
833 15 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 2 59415 430
Fax: +421 2 59415 393
E-mail: ivana.pospisilova@shmu.sk